
Weekly Classes

Junior Cycle : English & Irish

Leaving Cert: English, Irish & French

32 Weeks of Classes

Classes paid per term. Only 2 payments made during the year. 

1 Subject = €20.  

2 subjects = €30.   (Works out @ €15 per class)

3 Subject = €40.    (Works out @ €13.33 per class)

Classes are paid in 2 terms:

Term 1  Sep to Xmas (13 Weeks)

Term 2 Jan to June (19 Weeks)

Leaving Cert Mock Oral

All weekly students may avail of 1 on 1 Mock Orals in Irish and/or French from January to March.

Mock Orals are strictly for weekly students only


They last approximately 15 minutes and each student will receive about 15 minutes of feedback.

Fee: €20